ATTN: Business Owners, Marketers, Managers & Executives
If you’re looking for THE FASTEST & EASIEST WAYS TO GROW ANY BUSINESS, Million Dollar BlueprintsTM was created for YOU. Through this program, you’ll get to see the method we use to help businesses generate millions of dollars every year. And by the end, you’ll know exactly how to leverage 3 proven strategies to accelerate success.
SATURDAY | 1/21/23 10AM-2PM
Admission is $49 | Lunch is Provided
Limited Seats Available
We Think People Who Support Small Businesses are Awesome…
So we connect them to awesome deals, awesome places and awesome things.
Here’s what you need to know:
1) 5-Star 365 powers membership programs for top-rated businesses and communities.
You can join as many different clubs and programs as you want. Benefits include exclusive discounts, bonuses, gifts and information. Some memberships are free. Other memberships require a paid subscription.
2) You can save any membership app to your phone.
Simply click Add This App to My Phone near the top of any membership page, and follow the instructions.
3) You can easily access your memberships all in one place.
Simply visit on any device, or click the Home icon at the bottom of any page. From there, you can save the whole app to your phone. Just click the link near the top of the page, and follow the instructions.
4) As a member, you’ll get emails every week with featured deals, important updates and chances to win.
Winners are notified via email. There’s no purchase necessary. Certain giveaway rules may apply.
PLEASE NOTE: is operated by 5-Star VIP LLC. Our small-but-mighty team is spread out across places like Missouri, Florida and North Carolina. Our mission is to help give small businesses an advantage over corporate competitors, and we do this by helping them foster communities that appreciate what they offer. As our platform continues to grow, please know that our commitment to our users and partners will remain the same. Thanks for being an important part of our awesome community! And please don’t be surprised if you see 5-Star VIP – a Florida-based company – on your billing statement.
iPhone Users: Click the Share Icon , then scroll down and select Add to Home Screen.Please Note: This may only work in Safari. If need be, open this page in Safari, then follow these instructions.
Android Users: Click the Menu Icon , then select Add to Home Screen.Please Note: This may only work in Chrome. If need be, open this page in Chrome, then follow these instructions.
Add This App to Your Phone
iPhone Users: Click the Share Icon , then scroll down and select Add to Home Screen.Please Note: This may only work in Safari. If need be, open this page in Safari, then follow these instructions.
Android Users: Click the Menu Icon , then select Add to Home Screen.Please Note: This may only work in Chrome. If need be, open this page in Chrome, then follow these instructions.
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